
Yessica Servin Dominguez

What did you say? I wasn't listening

Project overview

Hi! I'm Yessica I'm a half programmer and half artist. My walk throught this project has been a hole odisi. I helped with bug-solving, game-play but mostly helped with assets because it was were I was needed the most.


Skinning with shaders

In order to improve the performance of the game we needed to do all the computation of the skinning on the GPU with shaders.
Every vertex of a mesh has it's attachment to a bone and weight. What I did was to send an array of transformation matrix of the bones, so in the shader I could get de rotation, position, scale of the skeleton.

Then every vertex got two atributes:

  • A ivec4 of bones id to get the position of the array, the max of bones per vertex it's 4
  • A vec4 of weights it will be influence of every bone
First slide Second slide

I got a bug that some model tended to go the senter because I was conserving the original position instiead of start at (0,0,0) and add the result of the trasformations.

Game Feel

Our game have some narrative, and we needed some screen to explain the history. A screen with moving images and subtitles, to do this I searched a way to put subtitles easy and fast. And found this website that let's you put subtitles and download it in .json format, that we could easly read in our engine.

Boss Presentation

Dummy Enemy

Hit Enemy

Dissolve shader

It's a simple shader to implement and can be used for a lot of things


I got the oportunity to do the characters, and learn a lot about the art pipeline, how to do a fast retopology in maya, paint in substance and made a model base for the retopology.

Geralt of Rivia

Geralt of Rivia in a Chibi Style by Yessica Servin Dominguez on Sketchfab

Yennefer de Vengerberg

Yennefer The Witcher by Yessica Servin Dominguez on Sketchfab


Ghoul - The witcher by Yessica Servin Dominguez on Sketchfab

Other Assets


Main Menu Polish
