
José Antonio Prieto Garcia

No siempre hay tiempo para un Sea of Thieves

Project overview

Hi! I'm José Antonio Prieto, currently in academic terms a student of videogame degree at Citm-UPC. All my live i have been an addicted to tech, videogames, electronics, robotics, and almost everything that pass electricty or involves silicon through it. All my live i researched and developed multiple disciplines self-taught, including programming, 3D modeling, video editing, various robotics personal inventions and so on.


Project overview

As a code lead, i supervised the tasks and needed implementations for our team of 15 programmers and the needs of the game that we have been developing.

We develop the game from scratch, developing our own 3D engine and all its implementations.

  • Supervised code department.
  • Organized general code team meetings for each milestone.
  • Program and think/debate and add tasks to our next implementations to engine.
  • Tips/programs and first guidelines to our art department.
  • Multiple aportations to design and general direction.
  • Analyzed possible implementations needed to our needs:
    • Lighting emitters(directionals, spotlight, point) and shadows.
    • Rendering optimizations (shaders batching, gameobjects ordering).
    • Rendering with shaders.
    • Separate rendering modes (opaque and transparent).
    • Hdr and bloom rendering postprocessing.
    • Analysis pros/cons to migrate from bullet to nvidia physx physics engine.
    • Animation timelines and events.
    • Animations with tweens.
    • Skinning animations with shaders.
    • Researching possible new particles engines or improvements(nvidia flex).
    • Researching multi threading and opengl relatives.
    • Researching rendering optimizations.
    • Researching bezier curves libraries.
    • Researching deferred light.
    • Camera shaking with perlin noise approach.
    • Camera transitions and player limitations with frustum.
    • Pathfinding with recast and detour.
    • First guidelines to player/enemies and combat system implementation.
    • breakables approach.

PhysX integration

PhysX 4.1 Core

  • PhysX migration:
    • cooked physx 4.1 libs and dynamic libs.
    • integrated physx core and delay load hooks.
  • raycast/raycast all and overlapsphere static methods.
  • collider box and sphere autoreshape
  • character controller and its own callbacks and structs
  • convex hull and autofit, resizing and custom vertex cooking

Recast integration

Recast and detour

  • integrated core libraries
  • implemented abstracts for render and log any step
  • new panel navigation
  • creation of navigation meshes from multiple objects(flagged nav statics)
  • supports multimesh and own object transforms